C-Desk Technology | Old Vicarage | Rolleston | NG23 5SE | Tel: (+44) 01636 816466 | alec@visualrota.co.uk
The aim of this book is to teach you
how to calculate how many staff you
need to run your operation.
The aim of this series of books is
to provide a reference guide for t
he types of available shift patterns
by way of supplying a total of
almost 300 unique shift patterns.
This book is about how to organise
staff holidays so that they do not
affect the operation. A Holidays
Included Shift Pattern will
accommodate everyone’s holiday
in the shift pattern.
This book looks at the details of
introducing and using Banked
Hours based on our experiences
with the many organisations
that use them.
This book not only includes easy to
follow examples of how to calculate
your Absence Rate, but also shows
you how to use your Absence Rate
to predict how absences will occur
in the future. This book has look-up
tables which convert Absence Rate
in to the number you would expect
to be off shift.
Shift working is also more fatiguing than
office hours working; this is especially
prevalent if working nights. However this
book is about minimising fatigue and the
effects of fatigue so that you can enjoy
the advantages of working shifts without
being too fatigued.
Managing holidays are the bane of all
managers. The aim of this book is to
show you some simple techniques to
relieve you of the burden. With a
special section on Office Hours, this
book is ideal for all managers.
Have you found that the year is just not
long enough to fit in all the holidays?
The aim of this book is to help
managers with their shift
operations. Holidays and absences
can play havoc with most operations
unless special procedures are in place.
This book provides the solutions used
by us when setting up a shift system.
The following books and others are available from
Amazon, simply search using ‘jezewski moore’.
VisualrotaX Software
Software and training available.
If you wish to purchase our software along with training, please call.
The software is versatile enough to set for any situation.
We can set it up to your specific requirements during the training session.
If you would like the training in-house, please let us know.
Shift Pattern Review
A shift pattern review is all about ensuring you are using the best shift pattern to meet your
current operational requirements. We will look at what you are trying to achieve with the resources
available to you. Our expertise in this field is based on our experiences working with every type of
operation imaginable to set up efficient and effective operations with excellent work/life balances.
This is available as an in-house project, or conducted from our office.
Consultancy Fees
If you require help but are unsure about exactly what you need, then we work on an hourly basis
as required by you. Then you can control the budget and work with us throughout the project.
Holiday Entitlements,
Cover Shifts,
Fair Holiday Scheduling,
High Sickness,
Forward Planning,
Frosty Mornings,
10-hour Shifts,
How Good is your Maths,
Unlimited Holidays,
Stagger Lunch,
Optimise Equipment,
Absence Management,
Christmas Presents,
Wedding Planners,
Bank Holidays,
Annualised Hours,
Inventory Modeling,
How Many Staff are needed,
Cover for Sickness,
Global shift planning.
and many more
If you work in an office Monday-to-Friday’
did you know that if you work an extra
hour each day you can have an extra 30
days off each year? That’s a doubling of
your holidays and how’s that for improving
your, and your colleagues in the office,
work/life balance? This is just one example
we have created for our clients. We put
together some 250 examples for all sorts of
operations and decided to sell them as
Excel files that you can use for up to 50